Is smartphone affecting our reading of novels?

Effect of smartphone 

I don't think I need to say what a smartphone is doing. It smartly steals our time and sometimes gives zero output. Most of the time people are busy with their smartphones doing nothing. If they are doing something then that is not a productive work. It is a modern era, so a smartphone has become a part of our daily life.

Now coming to the question which is the effect of smartphone on the reading of novels. Everything has two opposite effects. on one hand we read a novel/stories through smartphone. On the other it save both our time and money. So it may seem really handy. But reading novel needs patience and if you are looking on your smartphone for a long time then you will have eye strain. It is almost impossible to continuously read novel through any smartphone. 

More over the social sites are becoming dangerous than any drug. People are simply scrolling hour after hour. So it is affecting our habit of reading novel. People are getting attracted towards the immodest or improper contents which are available. This has a serious impact on the lives of the school going students. 
Somehow still there are some people who love to read soft copy or hard copy. Nothing matters to them. "They used to read, still reading and would be reading whether smartphone comes or anything else." The bliss we get by reading novels can be compared to nothing. 

Lastly I want to say that we should make a habit of reading and stop giving phones to the young ones. Being parents we can bring so many changes so let's take an oath and work on this.


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